Object Oriented Programming In PHP Part Three – Constructor & Destructor

PHP offers many “special” methods called magic methods. Today I will write about two of them. This is the third part of the Object Oriented Programming in PHP series and, if you haven’t already, I suggest you first read part one and two. The methods we will take a look at today are called constructor ...

Object Oriented Programming In PHP Part Two – Methods And Visibility 2

In part one of Object Oriented Programming in PHP series I introduced fundamental terms of OOP (class, object and property). Today I will continue with explaining visibility keywords and methods.

Object Oriented Programming In PHP Part One – Basics 2

Usually, when people visit some website, they quickly form an opinion about it. They either like it, or they don’t. They find it well structured/organized, neat … or give up in search for a contact form … But nobody knows how good is the code, that is running the site …