Object Oriented Programming In PHP Part Three – Constructor & Destructor

PHP offers many “special” methods called magic methods. Today I will write about two of them. This is the third part of the Object Oriented Programming in PHP series and, if you haven’t already, I suggest you first read part one and two. The methods we will take a look at today are called constructor ...

Yet another custom Google Picasa API gallery 1

As thousands of other people, I store my photos on the Picasa Web Albums from Google. Why did I choose Google in the first place? Well, the Picasa Web Albums had this easy way to upload pictures via Picasa application, and the first versions of the albums were just complex enough to sort pictures and ...

Object Oriented Programming In PHP Part Two – Methods And Visibility 2

In part one of Object Oriented Programming in PHP series I introduced fundamental terms of OOP (class, object and property). Today I will continue with explaining visibility keywords and methods.

Object Oriented Programming In PHP Part One – Basics 2

Usually, when people visit some website, they quickly form an opinion about it. They either like it, or they don’t. They find it well structured/organized, neat … or give up in search for a contact form … But nobody knows how good is the code, that is running the site …